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Bodriggy Academy

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Singing Assembly

Singing Assemblies take place each Monday afternoon. They are split into: EYFS and Key Stage 1 and then Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2. During the assembly, children learn about composers from across the historic music timeline, develop their music appreciation and music ‘talk’, take part in singing games and learn to sing songs from a variety of, age/skill appropriate musical genres.   The singing assemblies provide the largest part or our listening and singing element of our music curriculum. The children learn about, and apply, the Interrelated Dimensions of music, laid out in the Primary Music Curriculum.

This half term, EYFS and Key Stage 1 have been learning songs linked to a different story, each week. Key Stage 2 have been exploring songs from a range of composers/singers, allowing them to explore their vocal range - with a big focus upon: breathing, pitch, phrasing and note holding. 

Upper Key Stage 2 enjoying our new screen, during a singing assembly

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