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Assessment and Memory at Bodriggy


Every process at Bodriggy is designed to be purposeful and, if possible, multi-functional. This is to maximise links between disparate areas, increase efficiency, reduce unnecessary workload and create maximum impact of any effort made. Our assessment processes are created to maximise any overlap that exists with our approaches to embedding learning; they are intertwined to support children to learn more, do more and remember more. We create regular opportunities to avoid learning being lost according to the pattern highlighted in the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve and use assessment as one of the many processes aimed at promoting recall and retrieval. The diagram below captures how our approach to assessment, recapping, recall and retrieval both helps to highlight what children have learned but is also designed in such a way that the processes it contains also contribute to improving that retrieval. In short, how we assess what our children have remembered also helps them to remember.

Assessment Opportunities across the School

Assessment in EYFS

Assessment in KS1

Assessment in KS2

Contact Details and Useful Links
