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Bodriggy Academy

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Bodriggy Singers - Choir 2023-24

The Bodriggy Singers Choir is open to any children from years 2 to 6.  They meet every Tuesday after school, from 3:15 to 4:15.  The choir is led by our Music Lead, Mrs Hocking. This year is the biggest choir to date, with nearly 50 members! In choir, the children work on their singing skills through a variety of songs.  Throughout the year, they work towards different performances, in different places.  Children are not obliged to take part, as not everyone is comfortable to perform in front of an audience.  There will also be events where only a small selection of choir can attend. Children will be chosen to participate in these on a case-by-case basis, to make it as fair as possible. Our main event of the year is our Summer Music Gala, where the choir sing together to showcase what they have been learning throughout the year, to their families. 

Being part of a choir really helps to build children's confidence, it is a very mindful activity which also helps to improve memory, they make new friends from across school and have fun!


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