Contact Details
- 01736 752 808
Humphry Davy Lane, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4DR
Bodriggy Academy
Happy children, achieving together.
In all we do, we try to encourage Bodriggy children to reflect on how they can make a contribution to world that lies beyond the school gates. At a local level, this involves caring about Hayle and taking an interest in the challenges and opportunities living here provides. Through regular collaboration with the wider community in ways that both enrich our local environment and foster a sense of belonging, we work to ensure our children will go on to be active citizens with a social conscience and pride in their home town.
In addition, we work to raise the awareness our children have of the impact they can have beyond our locality, seeking opportunities to make a contribution on a regional, national and international level. This page captures some of the many occasions when the work of our children has moved from within the classroom to make a difference in the wider world.
At the beginning of my time as headteacher, I felt a little tentative as I asked if there was any chance that the wider community was willing and able to support us in transforming our library into a special space for our children that is at the centre of our school. Before I arrived here, I knew that the Bodriggy community had tremendous heart; this process helped to confirm it, and then some! We were stunned by the community generosity of thought, time, contribution and spirit. Rarely have I felt such a positive vibe as was the case with this. Whether big or small, it was wonderful to see our children arriving with boxes containing objects for our library that will stay there long after they have left Bodriggy. Whether it was a bean bag or a robin, a CD player or a fairy door, every donation now has its place and each contributes to the sense of wonder all of our children feel as they walk in to read. The project was completed when Jordan Lauder of The Mural Company produced the most magical woodland mural for us. This was donated by Aspects Holidays who responded so kindly to our Year 6 pupils' persuasive letters asking for support. One of our core purposes at school is to support children to read but this must begin with us trying to foster a love of reading. Spaces such as our new library help to do this and it isn’t an exaggeration to say that the contributions of the wider community will improve children’s lives. It has been a project that brought together individuals from many walks of life: from the children themselves; from families; from local businesses and from individuals who have little connection to our school but believed in the cause, some of whom are even overseas. On behalf of us all, thank you so much.
Humphry Davy Lane, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4DR