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Bodriggy Academy

Happy children, achieving together.

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Teaching and Learning

The National Curriculum

Teaching and Learning at Bodriggy

At Bodriggy, we want our children to understand the importance of PE to a healthy lifestyle and to their own physical and mental wellbeing. We recognise the role that PE, including competitive situations, plays in children’s personal development: the skills, such as teamwork, confidence and resilience, can be transferred to all aspects of their school life. Participation also nurtures a sense of belonging and pride, something we, as a school, value highly.


At Bodriggy, we want children to fulfil their physical potential, feel a sense of achievement in what they can do, and – most importantly – have fun being active.


We have created our own two-year rolling programme, which ensures a clear progression of skills and a range of engaging, age-appropriate activities throughout children's time at Bodriggy.


These children in Years 5 and 6 are exploring self-expression through contemporary dance.

Here, children in Years 3 and 4 are putting their skills into practice in some match play at the end of their unit of football.

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