Contact Details
- 01736 752 808
Humphry Davy Lane, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4DR
Bodriggy Academy
Happy children, achieving together.
Tomorrow's World
As a part of their topic, the children in Years 5&6 will take over this page of the website to share their ideas about life at Bodriggy Academy.
The content will grow as they learn!
Y5 Rockets STEM challenge - the class go to space!
On Thursday, we got to meet George from the RAF who came to help us build and launch rockets. First he told us facts about rockets and planes then we got to build the rockets. We used utensils like tape, scissors, paper, tubes (formers) and a rubber nose. Most of us used paper to make a pointy nose which makes it aerodynamic so that it can go through the air more easily. Some of us also put fins on our rocket. Some people put the name of the rockets on the side, like Bodriggy or Space X.
At the start we used a pressure tube for the launching system. At first, we used a bicycle pump. The maximum pressure that we could go up to was 120. We didn't all go for 120 but some went for full power to launch their rockets. We placed the rockets first to last. Only one didn't launch!
After lunch, we made our second rockets. We had seen what made a good rocket in the morning and tried to improve our own. We launched them again. The rockets were supposed to hit a target and go straight. The winning team was the team whose rocket went the furthest but was also straight. The winning team was Fallon, Eliza and Henri. Their rocket went 52m, further than the tape measure! The prizes were a RAF medal and top trumps cards. Everyone got a pencil.
We loved the day, launching the rockets and looking at the Lego sets that George brought in. He showed us a Lego plane and a Rubik's Cube solver made out of Lego!
Did you know that the body of a plane is called a fuselage?
Did you know that even engineers fail every now and again?
By Taylor, Fallon and Romeo
The Wizard of Oz
Today we had a 'dress' dress rehearsal and we all tried on our costumes to make us feel more like our characters. Our dress rehearsal is tomorrow (Friday) in front of the whole school. We are feeling nervous but quite good about it. Our play in front of our parents is on the 17th and 18th of July. The show is about an hour and a half long and we will also have an interval in the middle.
By Nevaeh and Alfie B
Here you can see Dorothy, the Tin Woodman and the Wizard!
In science we made paper aeroplanes and dropped plasticine into water to see which would fall quickest. We were investigating forces.
Molly and Hope
Woodland Library
All classes have a special day to go down to the library to read their books in a peaceful place. Recently, we've had our library done up to make it look like an enchanted woodland. There is a throne, animals, music, lighting, bean bags, cushions and fluffy blankets. This room is designed to take people's worries away and help them to relax. There's millions of amazing books, like the Harry Potter books, that you can sink into and imagine if you were there. There are three librarians (Eliza, Larna and Seren) who all clean the library every single morning.
As Willy Wonka says: come with me and you will be in a world of pure imagination.
By Eva, Eliza and Yvaine
Activities Week
On Monday, we did a Forest School carousel and in it we painted positive pebbles to put around Hayle just to make people's day. We mostly enjoyed when we went around Hayle because we got to explore around the little park where we placed our pebbles.
On Tuesday, we went to Gwithian beach and the year 5s were surfing in the morning while the year 6s had a swim. After the year 5s had finished surfing, it was time for the year 6s to surf.
On Wednesday, we went to Flambards and went on a bunch of rides. Personally, in our opinions, the best ones we went on were Skyraker and the log flume.
On Thursday, we did Go Active and did four activities: zorbs, archery, dodgeball and nerf guns. Our favourite was zorbs and everyone could probably agree on that.
On Friday, we did art, drama and dance.
By Brianne and Lily
Bodriggy Poetry Slam!
As part of our English topic, Year 5/6 had Bodriggy’s first ever Poetry Slam! We based our poetry on technology and we chose topics like social media, internet safety, AI and devices. We listened to a few examples of Slam Poetry to understand how to perform and what features to include. The features we used were rhyming, puns, personification, alliteration, repetition, deliberate pauses and rhetorical questions to get our audience thinking. We stood up in front of the class and performed to everyone. At the end, the class did an anonymous vote to put forward 3 candidates from each class to enter the Poetry Slam. We did the Poetry Slam in the hall in front of most of the school and a panel of judges. In first place was Kensa and in join runners up were myself (Maddie) and Keiana.
‘I liked the Poetry Slam because it was good and you had to go through lots of rhymes and half rhymes and you have to ask yourself what to do next’ - Jacob (one of our finalists)
By Maddie, Seb, Poppi, Selma, Olivia and Jacob.
Podcasts- Class 10!
In Class 10, we created podcasts about our interests and what happens in and around our school. We had quite a range of topics! Some of the topics included food, sport, comics and loads more! We enjoyed making our podcasts and then we all got to listen to them at the end. We thought they sounded really professional and we even learnt some facts from listening to all of them. Once we had listened to all of them, we gave each other feedback on what was good and what we could improve on. We then went on to Garage Band to edit and improve our podcasts based on our feedback. These are our edited versions! Hope you enjoy them!
By Ilah, Maria, Larna and Sofia!
Year 5/6 Podcasts - Class 11
Our podcasts from Class 11 were made using Garage Band. They could be about anything you wanted them to be about. You were able to interview anyone from the Year 5/6 classes. We made them in groups. There were also some bloopers at the end! Some of ours were about a day in the life of Year 5/6 and some were about the songs in the Year 5/6 play.
How we made it: first we made a jingle using Garage Band. We used Apple loops (there are over 100 songs you could add. Most of them are ok). Then we started to speak and started our interviews. We asked questions like, 'Do you like your Year 6 leavers hoodies?' At the end, we added the background music because if you did that at the start, it would be too loud over the speakers.
We found some of it hard because there was lots of interviewing and editing. It is better to record inside otherwise you can hear the wind blowing!
Here are our podcasts. Have a listen!
By Riley, Kaiden and Henri.
Class 12 Podcasts
Fiver Challenge
The Fiver Challenge is where you are given £5 and you have to make a business out of it. In maths, the Year 6s have been very busy deciding what they are going to do for the Fiver Challenge. We have been focusing on making posters and videos this week to market our businesses. In Week 5, we will be selling our products to the whole school on the KS1 playground. Recently, some of us have bought what we need already.
Some of the businesses are Lemon Dip, Dig f0r Gems and Crazy Carnival. Here is a video from one of the groups:
By Rihanna, Tegen and Lexie.
Dragon's Den
In this lesson, we designed our own robot or app. The robot or app had to improve our daily life. We worked in groups to create a design. Next we wrote a script for a pitch. We invited some year 3/4 children to be the judges. We performed our speeches to the judges. They gave us a score. The winning team was Maya, Molly, Elena and Emma. Their robot was called the Babysitter Robot.
Bradley, Oscar, Harry T, Josie, Darci-Rose, Emelia, Oakley, Evie, Savannah and Kensa.
Dragon’s Den in Class 10!
In this lesson, we all designed a robot or an app that can help people who are in need. We had lots of good ideas from help with homework, to help with natural disasters, to help with mental health. Our robots could also help with everyday chores around the house and around the world! On notes, we wrote a script to pitch our designs. After, we spoke in front of the judges (Dragons!) and the class. Harry Hosking, Harry Hamnett and Jacob were runners up with their life saving robot ‘Morph-it’, in second place was Libby and Ilah with their robot ‘Shop-a-pic-up’ and last but not least, in first place, we had Maddie, Samayra and Olivia with their mental health app ‘Tabby’. Check out our ideas. Sit back and relax. Which one would you invest in?
By Beau, Harry Hosking, Harry Hamnett, Kai and Jayden R.
Science-Light and Forces Topic
In science we have been investigating light and we made our own periscopes. We were able to see around corners.
Charlie Q
Sport in Week 2
Some Year 5/6 children went to a cricket tournament on Wednesday in St Just. There was one team of boys and one team of girls. The boys played three matches and the girls played five. Both teams got into the county finals, coming up in June and July. It was really fun playing against other teams from different areas. Some of us had played cricket and some of us had never played cricket before. We are pretty excited but also nervous for the final.
On Thursday some Year 5/6 and 3/4 children went to Carn Brea Leisure Centre in Pool and we did athletics around the track. There was high jump, long jump, howler throw, speed bounce, 75m sprint, 800m long distance race (2 laps of the track) and a 1500m race (which only a couple people took part in). Over half the people that went came back with medals, some people even came back with more than one. We spent the whole day there.
By Tyler and Alfie-Lee
Work to be proud of
This is work to be proud of in Year 5 and 6. Our topic is Tomorrow's World and it's all about the future and technology.
We have been making podcasts about different things in school. The podcast we chose is all about Year 5 and 6.
We wrote a script to guide us in our podcast so we don't stumble.
We used Garage Band to make our podcast. It was quite difficult because we haven't used Garage Band a lot but we got there in the end. The green bit is the intro music and the blue bit is the audio, which is our voices.
We haven't finished yet because it takes a lot of time and patience. The easy part is recording our voices and making our own music, but the hard part is the editing at the end.
By Mateja, Cody and Jack
Rehearsals for the Wizard of Oz
This summer, the year sixes will be acting and the year fives will be singing in their play The Wizard of Oz.
Dorothy, Oz, Wicked Witch - there are so many characters!
The year sixes have all been rehearsing to perfect their part in the play, where the year fives have been practising the songs so that they get the tune and the words correct. They are putting miles of work in to make the play spectacular. They are spot on so far.
Here are some pictures of how the rehearsals are going. There will be more pictures as we get closer to the play.
By Keiana, Millie and Seren
Humphry Davy Lane, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4DR