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Lower Key Stage 2

Lower Key Stage 2 Units of study 2023-24


8 bit music video game soundtrack design - Music Technology

Christmas Songs - focusing upon singing skills

First Access Brass - specialist led 10 week brass unit

Recorders Level 2


In Lower Key Stage 2, Mrs Tredinnick's Class are, currently, having whole class brass lessons, taught by Mrs Burden.  They will be putting on a concert to demonstrate what they have learnt, at the end of their block of learning.  Mr Best and Miss Todd's classes will also have this experience, throughout the year.

Music in Miss Todd's and Mr Best's classes is, currently, all about music technology and composing retro Chiptune 8bit video game soundtracks. They have been using a piece of free web software called BeepBox. Their final challenge is to create a soundtrack to go behind a section of a retro video game.

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