Contact Details

- 01736 752 808
Humphry Davy Lane, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4DR
Bodriggy Academy
Happy children, achieving together.
Intent |
At Bodriggy Academy, children develop a passion for music and gain a firm understanding of what music is through the development of knowledge, skills and experiences. This occurs through: listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, composing and performing across a wide variety of historical periods, styles traditions and musical genres. The immersive nature of our curriculum coupled with our wider school musical opportunities allows children to develop, explore and pursue a curiosity of music.
Implementation |
The music curriculum is taught through a combination of Charanga, First Access, whole class instrument lessons and bespoke curriculum lessons. Charanga allows children to explore and revisit the inter-related dimensions of music and creating a more purposeful and engaging musical experience ensuring the learning is retained.
From Key Stage 1, all children have the opportunity, each year, to learn an instrument. This is either through First Access Music, Whole Class instrument tuition or through class teacher led lessons. During these lessons, the children learn the skills linked to that particular instrument, or area of music technology, as-well-as developing the inter-related dimensions of music, learning to read music, improvising and practising their performance skills. With the First Access and Whole Class tuition, children learn to play set pieces which they then perform in a small concert for their families. These lessons inspire a respect for the instrument as well as raising the children’s own aspirations with regard to what they can achieve. We also have a range of peripatetic music teachers who visit school, each week, for one-to-one and small group lessons. This also allows the children who become inspired by their whole class instrument lessons to take-up the instrument with a peripatetic teacher and further develop their skills.
Singing takes place in weekly singing assemblies, led by the Music Lead. Singing is also a part wider curriculum learning. Children with a particular passion for singing are able to join the school choir ‘Bodriggy Singers’, which is run as an afterschool club. The choir is for children from years 2 to year 6. The choir take part in a range of community based performance events, throughout the year, as well as larger county events, such as Songfest.
Due to our close links with The Cornwall Music Hub and The Cornwall Music Service Trust we also get involved with community theatre and music events, which they host, too.
In EYFS children experience music through: Child Led Learning, Charanga and a scheme called Rainbow Pond. Singing takes place across the whole of the EYFS curriculum. |
Impact |
Music enables children to develop an understanding of culture and history – both locally and on a more global scale. Due to the rich mixture of our Cornerstones Curriculum, and opportunities beyond the National Curriculum, children at Bodriggy Academy develop a wide understanding and appreciation of the diversity of music. Children are able to enjoy music in as many ways as they choose – as a listener, creator or performer. Many of our year 6 children who participate in music lessons and choir, during their time with us, continue this upon their move to secondary school. Children are given the opportunity to showcase their talents in class, assembly and in termly Music Galas. Music has a positive impact upon and develops a culture of personal development. Children learn self-discipline, self-regulation and how to overcome challenges. This creates an, overall, more engaging wider school learning environment. Children are able to use precise vocabulary linked to their music learning and discuss their progress and next steps. Regardless of prior musical ability or additional needs, music is accessible to and enjoyed by all children at Bodriggy Academy. |
Humphry Davy Lane, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4DR