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Bodriggy Academy

Happy children, achieving together.

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Meeting Authors

April 2023

Our KS1 children had a visit from author Sarah Tagholm. Sarah wrote the book 'We are the Wibbly.' The children loved listening hearing Sarah read the story and even had a go at drawing frogs! A visit to the school pond was on the list especially as we have our own tadpoles. Some children bought a signed copy of the book. 

December 2023-The children in UKS2 met explorer and author Huw Lewis-Jones who entertained them with tales of his explorations. Many children were delighted to take home a signed copy of one of his books.

We met local author and illustrator Lilac Rosenwyn-November 2022

Meeting local author Scott Jones-March 2022

Meeting author and TV star Andrew Clover-May 2021

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