Curriculum Overview – Year 2
- Develop phonics until decoding secure
- Read common suffixes
- Read and re-read phonic-appropriate books
- Read common 'exception' words
- Discuss & express views about fiction, non-fiction & poetry
- Become familiar with and retell stories
- Ask & answer questions; make predictions
- Begin to make inferences
- Spell by segmenting into phonemes
- Learn to spell common 'exception' words
- Spell using common suffixes, etc.
- Use appropriate size letters & spaces
- Develop positive attitude & stamina for writing
- Begin to plan ideas for writing
- Record ideas sentence-by-sentence
- Make simple additions and changes after proof-reading
- Use. ! ?, and '
- Use simple conjunctions
- Begin to expand noun phrases
- Use some features of standard English
Speaking and Listening
- Articulate & Justify answers
- Initiate & respond to comments
- Use spoken language to develop understanding
Number and Calculation
- Know 2, 5 and 10x tables
- Begin to use place value (T/U)
- Count in 2s, 3s, 5s & 10s
- Identify, represent & estimate numbers
- Compare / order numbers, including <, > and =
- Write numbers to 100
- Know number facts to 20 (+related to 100)
- Use x and ÷ symbols
- Recognise commutative property of multiplication
Geometry and Measures
- Know and use standard measures
- Read scales to nearest whole unit
- Use symbols for £ and p and add/subtract simple sums of less than £1 or in pounds
- Tell the time to the nearest five minutes
- Identify & sort 2D and 3D shapes
- Identify 2D and 3D shape surfaces
- Order and arrange mathematical objects
- Use terminology of position and movement
- Find and write simple fractions
- Understand equivalence e.g. 2/4 = 1/2
- Interpret simple tables and pictograms
- Ask and answer comparison questions
- Ask and answer questions about totalling
- Differentiate living, dead and non-living
- Growing plants (water, light, warmth)
- Basic needs of animals and offspring
- Simple food chains and habitats
- Identify and compare uses of different materials
- Compare how things move on different surfaces
Key Concepts
- Changes in living memory (linked to aspects of national life where appropriate)
Key Individuals
- Lives of significant historical figures, including comparison of those from different periods
- Significant local people
Key Events
- e.g. Bonfire night
- Events of local importance
Art and Design
- Use a range of materials
- Use drawing, painting and sculpture
- Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
- Learn about a range of artists, craftsmen and designers
- Understand and use algorithms
- Write and test simple programs
- Use logical reasoning to make predictions
- Organise, store, retrieve and manipulate data
- Communicate online safely and respectfully
- Recognise uses of IT outside of school
Design and Technology
- Design purposeful, functional and appealing products
- Generate, model and communicate ideas
- Use a range of tools and materials to complete practical tasks
- Evaluate existing products and own ideas
- Build and improve structures and mechanisms
- Understand where food comes from
Modern Languages
- Name and locate the world’s continents and oceans
- Compare local area to a non-European country
- Use basic vocabulary to describe a less familiar area
- Use aerial images and other models to create simple plans and maps, using symbols
- Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the immediate environment
- Sing songs
- Play tuned and untuned instruments musically
- Listen and understand live and recorded music
- Make and combine sounds musically
Physical Education
- Master basic movement, e.g. running, jumping, throwing, catching, balance, agility and co-ordination
- Participate in team games
- Perform dance using simple movement
- Swimming proficiency at 25m
Religious Education
- Continue to follow the locally-agreed syllabus for RE