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Bodriggy Academy

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PE and Sport

Sports for Schools Athlete Visit


In November, Bodriggy was visited by the Sports for Schools athlete Jonny Paterson. Sports for Schools brings some of Britain’s top athletes to schools with the aim of encouraging physical activity in children.


All children participated in a fitness circuit (including press ups, spotty dogs, leg drives and star jumps) with their own and other classes. The atmosphere in the hall was amazing! The children showed brilliant energy, enthusiasm and determination throughout the morning – the staff were very proud. Later, the whole school was treated to an assembly. It was inspirational to hear Jonny talk about the barriers that he has overcome to reach all of his sporting success.

As part of the process, the children also collected sponsorship money to take part in the day. In total, we raised just over £1000! Thank you so much to everybody involved and for sponsoring so generously. We have been able to buy some high-quality new sports equipment for the school as a result.

Please enjoy the photos from the experience!

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