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Bodriggy Academy

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Reading Champions

Today, some of our Reading Champions got to meet Heather from Reading Rocks. Heather runs 'Reading Rocks' which is a book subscription company. We receive a box of new books once a half term and it often includes signed copies, bookmarks, free gifts and sometimes sweets! Heather wanted to interview the champions about their thoughts on the new books.

Our 2023-2024 Reading Champions.

Our Reading Champions

We are the Bodriggy Academy Reading Champions. Our aim is to help the adults in this school make sure that everyone values books and knows how important and exciting reading is. We will try to promote the love of reading and think of different ways that we can make reading fun. We want everyone in our school to be a reader. 

Reading Buddies-Y5/6 children love reading to EYFS children on a Friday afternoon.

Happy with our Reading Rocks book subscription

Choosing new books from the library van

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