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Bodriggy Academy

Happy children, achieving together.

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Welcome From the Headteacher

On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I am delighted to have the chance to welcome you to our school’s website. Along with our colleagues at the Truro and Penwith Academy Trust, we understand how precious the primary years are for children: it is their time. Everything we do, and every decision we make, will be with our children’s best interests at heart. 


As Headteacher, it is my duty to support all of our children and provide them with a breadth of opportunities that will help them unlock their academic potential and develop their unique talents to the full. Central to this is my desire to do everything I can to work in partnership with you and our highly committed staff team to ensure that we provide the very best education for our children.  


We hope that this website provides a window into what life at Bodriggy is like for our children. Much of it is still, 'under construction' but we will be adding to it all the time as new material is created. I hope it encourages you to arrange a visit here, to see and feel what makes our school so special; you would be most welcome. 


Thank you for looking.


With very best wishes,


Mr. Daniel Simons

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