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Bodriggy Academy

Happy children, achieving together.

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Wellbeing Team

In reality, every single member of staff working at school can be considered as a part of the wellbeing team. The physical and emotional wellbeing of our children is everyone's responsibility and a collective, team approach helps us to monitor all of our children and support or intervene as required. We strive each day to ensure that all children feel like they belong. Until we reach the point when children feel safe and secure, wanting to be in school, it is very difficult to achieve much else.


For that reason, if you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the class teacher or teaching assistant in the first instance. This may be on the drive before or after school, by phone through the office, or by using the designated class email address. In addition, we have a core team of professionals who have responsibility for overseeing the wellbeing of our children and can create links with external professionals if required. These are:


  • Mr Simons (Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead)
  • Mrs Henshall (Child and Family Lead)
  • Miss Carroll (Deputy Headteacher and Infant Lead)
  • Miss Todd (Deputy Headteacher and Junior Lead)
  • Mrs Badcock (SENCo)

Contact Details and Useful Links
