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Bodriggy Academy

Happy children, achieving together.

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Starting Nursery or Reception

Bodriggy Academy Nursery

Bodriggy Nursery provides positive, caring relationships based on mutual respect that is at the heart of our philosophy.

We have a clear vision of what we want to achieve in the Early Years at Bodriggy Academy including:-

  • provide a safe, nurturing, fun and stimulating environment for every child
  • work in conjunction with parents/carers to enable children to achieve their potential and become successful learners and well-rounded, confident individuals
  • support children to be ready for the future

Bodriggy Academy Early Years is a place to learn, develop and grow ‘happy, healthy children’.



Our Environment

We are a teacher-led, calm and friendly setting where we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging environment where children can explore, have fun, play, talk and learn together. Our aim is to develop happy, confident and independent individuals within our nursery setting.
We understand the importance that the outdoors has for our children. We have an extensive outdoor space which is continually developing to encourage the children to explore nature and be curious in a safe and engaging environment.



Bodriggy Academy have three prime areas in the Early Years’ curriculum.

• Communication and Language
• Physical Development
• Personal, Social and Emotional Development


Our main priority is that children are secure in these areas and ready to learn.

The remaining four are known as the specific areas as they focus on the following:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design.





The Importance of Play


Young children learn by doing things for themselves, by exploring, and investigating, watching and listening, talking and discussing, creating and communicating – in other words playing.


For many years it has been acknowledged that it is through open - ended play experiences that children are able to make sense of the world around them, helping them to grow, develop and learn. We can define ‘play’ as ‘learning’ in the foundation stage. This learning will occur in both adult-led activities and spontaneous child-led play.




Nursery Session Times


Morning session

8:45am until 11:45am


Lunch time

11:45am until 12:15pm

Pupils can bring a packed lunch or book a school dinner.

Afternoon session

12:15pm until 3:15pm



Nursery Pupils can access breakfast and after- school provision

Breakfast Club 7.45 am to 8.45 am.  Staff will take pupils to Nursery

After School Club 3.15 to 5.45.

Home Visits

In order to ensure that your child settles as comfortably and calmly as possible we feel it is extremely beneficial to have a Home Visit prior to your child starting nursery, you are also invited to bring your child to a taster session before your child’s start date.

We provide a flexible approach to our induction, enabling children to start nursery when they are ready, offering
a transition that suits the needs of every child and ensuring that we maintain good communication with families.


Stay and Play Sessions for 2 year olds

At Bodriggy we offer free 2-year-old stay and play sessions during term time. This enables you and your child to get to know the staff and our learning environment before your child starts nursery.

Stay and Play Sessions are every Wednesday 1.30 – 3.00pm



Communication with Families

Communication between nursery and home is very important. We communicate in the following ways:

  • Weekly school newsletter sent on a Friday
  • Emails
  • Phone
  • School website
  • School Facebook page
  • Online Tapestry Learning journals



Funding Entitlement

All 3-year-olds will be able to start a funded nursery place in the September, January or April following their third birthday.

Date of Birth

Start Date

1st September to 31st December

1st January

1st January to 31st March

1st April

1st April to 31st August

1st September


These are the cut off dates. If your child’s birthday is for example on the 1st or 2nd January and the term starts on the 5th January, unfortunately their funding will not start until the Summer term after Easter because they have passed the cut-off date of 31st December.

How many funded hours can my child have?

All 3 and 4-year-olds in England are entitled to a maximum of 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year. Approved providers include child-minders, playgroups, pre-schools and day nurseries that are registered and inspected by OFSTED. Parents can choose which provider they would like their child to go to, as long as the Nursery/Childcare provider have places available.

Working parents may be entitled to a maximum of 30 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year.



Please come and visit us to see what we can offer your child and you. We would love to show you around and give you the chance to meet our children.


Contact Details and Useful Links
