Contact Details
- 01736 752 808
Humphry Davy Lane, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4DR
Bodriggy Academy
Happy children, achieving together.
Our performance data for 2019 is below. As yet, our 2023 performance data is un-validated but does represent significant improvement on the 2019 figures and will be published as soon as it can be. Please feel free to contact the school if you would like to discuss this further.
Progress Scores in Reading, Writing and Maths (published December 2019)
Average Scaled scores in Reading and Maths:
Percentage of pupils who Achieved the Expected Standard or above in Reading, Writing and Maths = 30%
Percentage of pupils who Achieved a High Level of Attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths = 4%
In January 2020, Ofsted Inspectors judged our school to be Requiring Improvement. We are delighted to comfirm that our most recent inspection took place just before half term (October 2023) and we are now recognised as a Good School. Our most recent inspection report may be accessed above or from the official OFSTED web site. | |
The Department for Education's Compare Schools web site provides the following data for Bodriggy Academy and neighbouring schools:
Humphry Davy Lane, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 4DR