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Bodriggy Academy

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Inter-house competition


One sunny, dew-covered morning in December, we launched our first inter-house sport competition. Our aim is for every child in the school to take part in at least one inter-house competition across the school year. These help to nurture so many valuable skills, such as team-work, cooperation, resilience and sportsmanship.


This time, the year fives and sixes competed for their house in football, tag rugby or hockey. The smiles and enjoyment on the pitches was wonderful to see; every child showed a fantastic attitude toward competing and participation. The winning teams were awarded house points, but it was not all about being the best: prizes and house points were also earned by those children and teams who showed the best attitude toward fair play.


Green house won by a narrow margin of two points, with yellow close behind. We can’t wait until the next one!

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