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Bodriggy Academy

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Curriculum Overview

The Curriculum Package at Bodriggy


At Bodriggy Academy,  we aim to provide our children with a curriculum which is broad, well balanced and above all stimulates the children to learn. Through a positive and caring environment, we provide the opportunity for every child to reach their full potential and ensure all children are ready for their next steps.

We deliver programmes of study that meet the National Curriculum requirements issued by the Department for Education. This National Curriculum comprises of:


Art & designReligious EducationGeographyDesign and TechnologyMusicHistory

The teaching of Religious Education is statutory in all schools. It is taught as a subject outside the National Curriculum but follows the Cornwall Agreed Syllabus.

We recognise the importance of English and maths teaching in order to open up other areas of the curriculum and therefore a large emphasis is placed on these areas. In addition to regular maths and English sessions, teachers try to make as many cross-curricular links as possible in order to use these skills in a range of contexts. In KS1 we use Read Write Inc as our chosen phonics  and reading scheme. Children read a variety of books which are phonetically decodable and specifically matched to their ability.

The planning of the curriculum is based around a rolling programme to ensure coverage of selected topics by all children who progress through the school. Planning takes the form of a topic-based approach and where appropriate, teachers link subjects to provide an engaging and inspiring curriculum. Whilst the core subjects are taught on a regular basis the foundation subjects may sometimes be taught as blocks of work over a matter of weeks. This programme is regularly reviewed to ensure it meets new directives or to make necessary improvements to the existing programme of work.

We seek to create opportunities for children to experience and excel in a range of activities that enhance and extend the National Curriculum. Children have opportunities both inside and outside the classroom, for example themed days, residential trips, gifted and talented workshops, a variety of sporting events, visiting speakers and much more. We also have excellent after school clubs.

We also value the role of modern foreign languages in the curriculum and French is taught through Key Stage 2. We liaise with our secondary school colleagues and draw upon their expertise and experience to ensure the children get the best quality provision.

We believe that when children leave us at the end of Year 6, they should be equipped with the full range of skills that enables them to become lifelong learners. Through our strong pastoral foundation, children are also equipped with the social skills and understanding to become good citizens in the future.

We believe that the school/parent relationship is key to promoting learning beyond the school gates and crucial in ensuring children make the best possible progress. We pride ourselves on our open, friendly and approachable nature that encourages parents to be involved in their children’s learning. Furthermore, we host regular share learning sessions to inform parents about how they can support their child or even to allow them to work alongside their child.


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