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Bodriggy Academy

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Eco-Code Competition

Our School Council has been on a special mission this year to achieve the Eco-Schools Green Flag for our school, but to achieve this we need your help.


We would like to create an ‘Eco-code’ for Bodriggy Academy. An Eco-code is our school’s mission statement. It outlines the ways we, as a school, are aiming to become a greener, more environmentally-friendly place.


It is up to you to present your code for our school, however, we have one specification, we would like you to write your code as an acrostic poem using the word ‘Bodriggy’.


Some examples of ways Bodriggy is aiming to become greener is:

  • look after nature
  • turn of lights and switches when you’re not using them
  • reduce, reuse, recycle

If you need any more ideas, check out the ‘School Council’ section of the website!


Entries need to be in by Friday 19th May and can be handed in to Miss Carroll or Miss Champion. The winner will be announced in assembly. The winning entry will have their poster displayed on the school website, around the school and shared as part of our ‘Green Flag Award’.

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