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Bodriggy Academy

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Hayle in Bloom: Level 5 'Outstanding' for Bodriggy Academy!

Today, we were visited by Hayle in Bloom volunteers, Sandie and Richard. They joined us in assembly to award the Nature’s Art Club a Level 5 Outstanding Award for our work on our bug garden, on the King George V Memorial Walk. We also received a nomination for the Clem Preece Cup and The South West in Bloom Outstanding Contribution Youth Award. We are very proud of the children’s effort and enthusiasm during this project. They loved being part of the community and making such a lovely garden for all to enjoy. We are pleased to say will be working with Hayle in Bloom again to support this community effort, for our town, in the near future.
Thank you to all of the children and to Mrs Tredinnick and Miss Bowen for their inspiration and expertise!

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