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Bodriggy Academy

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The Cross-Country Season Begins

It has been a very busy week for our sports teams. On Monday, 19 children went to Mounts Bay to run in the first Penwith Cross Country League. The first race can be a bit of shock to the system but our children’s weekly efforts at Cross Country Club are really paying off. We are so proud of all of them for their persistence and high-quality running. In particular, the year 6 children deserve huge praise for completing a course that was 3 large laps, totalling 2km! As someone who has been watching them improve over the last year, it was wonderful to see them not only completing the run but now being able to compete, and the year 6 boys, led by Alfie in 2nd, Oscar in 6th and Harry in 9th provide a wonderful example to the rest of our team; if you practise in the right way, you’ll improve! We can’t wait for the next race at Hayle Academy next half term. Well done everyone!


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