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Bodriggy Academy

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Where Reading begins at Bodriggy...

I have been waiting patiently to share this image with you, and although there are one or two tiny finishing touches to be added, I think you'll agree this is an absolutely beautiful piece of artwork and we are so lucky to have it.


Thank you to Miss Champion for all her hard work in creating it - it really does capture what Early Reading here at Bodriggy looks like.


After Christmas we will be holding some parent workshops.


The first for Year 1 parents that talks through what to expect from the Phonics Screening check (testing that takes place in June) and how you can best support your child at home. These will take place on Thursday 19th January - more information to follow.


The second will be for Reception parents to explain what RWI is, how we group the children and how to read with your child at home - date in January to be arranged.

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